For the past six months I have worked to minimize the "stuff" in my life and it has inspired me to become greener. The problem is that there are so many things I could be doing, I get overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. I’ve read about people who do it all for one year: no TV, no eating out, only local/organic, and recycle everything so they produce no waste and live off the grid. For me, this is excessive but I want to do something big. So, I thought I would give myself this year-long challenge. For each month of 2012, I will complete a different "activity" that challenges my current habits. I hope I can make some positive changes throughout the year that benefit my life and the planet. I am sharing this experience through blogging to hold myself accountable and hope that some of you will join me and participate in a month or two. Come on, it will be fun!!!